Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zombie Zone

Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet! It's been a bit on the hectic side around here! School has started, but I have all the back to school stuff, mtgs etc to deal with these first few weeks. My hubby is on a deadline and little knitty guy #3 is home with pneumonia! Hopefully next week will settle down a bit. I'm almost finished with the first sock of little knitty guys #3 and #4- almost done with a PAIR for knitty guy #1. Knitty guy #2 is going to take a bit longer- he picked out the thinnest yarn, so it takes about twenty billion stitches to do a round (okay it just seems that way). I have no camera right now so pictures will have to wait until I can free it from hubby. Have a great weekend!


Carol said...

Sending well wishes for Knitty Guy #3! Poor thing! Hope it all settles soon.

Pam the Yarn Goddess said...

Thank you for the comment on my blog. I wouldn't have dared admitting to using buffalo even if I was!