Friday, September 28, 2007


Okay, since I hardly have ANY wip's (okay I just got an eye twitch with that little fib), I've cast on a few more projects. Basically anything that has caught my eye, I've cast on for. It doesn't matter what, socks, sweaters, lace, scarves, washcloth- nothing is immune from my raging case of startitis. You would think with the severity of my startitis illness(es) I would at least get ONE case of finishitis- or at least just long enought to finish one project. I have no discipline what-so-ever. My only excuse is that I only knit for myself and what my immediate family specifically ask for- otherwise my knitting gifts tend to severely under appreciated. Note though- I have yet to finish anything for myself other than a scarf!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


IMG_1033, originally uploaded by chellie521.

Oops, trying to get the hang of the Flickr thing. Here's the real picture of Wollmeise color: Dani, strong intensity!


Here is the one skein of Wollmeise I managed to snatch from the last sneak up on Loopy Ewe. Some day I will get Poison no. 5- I may just have to go to Claudia herself- oh well!

Okay, I'm on Ravelry, I can't tell you how many hours I wasted this weekend just cruising around it. I've photo-ed some of my projects and stash, but I'm pretty much holding off on that for now. I used a picture of my youngest as my avatar- he loves to adore the stash and it was just tooo adorable!! Every day he asks if he can knit today and "drive" the spinning wheel! (We won't go into how he escapes after a bath, runs through the house naked, just so he can stand on the double treadles, and treadle...buck naked) The camera battery is dead, so no new progress pics- okay I was on Ravelry all weekend so there really is no progress!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Changing names!!

I'm thinking about changing the name of my blog to TinkrKnit because there is another Knitting Knut on Ravelry! Just for my own sanity sake! I'll see if I can do it without losing everything!

I'm IN!!!!!!!!

I finally made it into Ravelry! Needless to say I am spending all my free time there and photo-ing my stash (rough life...). I'm Tinkrknit if you are over there or for future reference. I did finish little knitty guy #3's first sock AND have started on the second. It is my own vanilla pattern (4x2 rib) in Fortissima colori color #3001. I'm sure it had some really creative color name, they just didn't write that on the ball band and I need brain cells to remember other things! Off to Ravelry I go!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

SOOOOO Close!!

You signed up on July 5, 2007
You are #14344 on the list.
409 people are ahead of you in line.
19071 people are behind you in line.
41% of the list has been invited so far

I'm almost on ravelry- I can't wait! My oldest turns 10 today (I cannot be old enough to have a double digit kid!) I'm off to finish cleaning for the party!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

From the beginning!

I know I'm not the speediest of knitter's. I am self-taught and I know that my style of Continental knitting is "eclectic" at best. As long as you like your knitting/process there is no wrong way to knit right?? Not necessarily. I was reading a certain Harlot's blog with the question of how many stitches per minute can you knit on a sock?? I was reading the answers- thinking "oh I'm probably on the slow side of average". I timed myself- several times- to my frustration it was 12st/minute!!!!! No wonder I have SSS! Average is about 30-40st/minute! My attention span wanders after the first sock, if I could knit average- I'd have warm feet every day this winter!!

So I'm reteaching myself how to knit- the "correct way"- death grip on needles and all. I found some great videos on UTube demonstrating Continental style. So far, so good although it's hard to break old habits (fortunately I've only been knitting 5 years). Slow knitting is not bad- but I know I would like to improve my speed and style. My goal is to be at 30 st/ minute- that's over twice as fast as now, and I might be able to finish something once in awhile!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zombie Zone

Sorry for dropping off the face of the planet! It's been a bit on the hectic side around here! School has started, but I have all the back to school stuff, mtgs etc to deal with these first few weeks. My hubby is on a deadline and little knitty guy #3 is home with pneumonia! Hopefully next week will settle down a bit. I'm almost finished with the first sock of little knitty guys #3 and #4- almost done with a PAIR for knitty guy #1. Knitty guy #2 is going to take a bit longer- he picked out the thinnest yarn, so it takes about twenty billion stitches to do a round (okay it just seems that way). I have no camera right now so pictures will have to wait until I can free it from hubby. Have a great weekend!