Saturday, June 28, 2008

The June posting

Okay, apparently I am much better at reading blogs then writing them- it's just faster to read them. I've been busy with Little League, Soccer, and trying to reclaim our new yard from five years of neglect! I finally made it to Knit night this week- YAY! One of the ladies asked me how tired I was- a little but not bad, but I must have looked tired. I went home and on a thought I weighed myself (something I generally avoid)- I've lost almost 20lbs in the past month- the last time I was at this weight it was between #2 and #3 kid! Since I haven't been to Knit night in the past month- I'm sure my face looked a bit thinner since that's where weight loss shows up first! Don't worry I eat plenty- it's just all the heavy duty yard work- at least 3 hours a day every day. Here are some before and after of our yard- we've done everything ourselves including the wall!

In knitting news- I'm still working on the hourglass sweater- mostly during sports practice/warm ups- it's up to the armpits plus one sleeve with half of the second sleeve done. I might actually get this done before Little League finishes this summer! Sorry no pics- maybe later next week- then I can post the July post earlier in the month =p

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