Saturday, August 25, 2007

Club Week- spoilage warning!

If you are a member of the socks that rock club, spunky club (fiber), or Chameleon colorworks sock and fiber club and do not want to see the colors yet, stop reading after the first picture.

Believe it or not- I have a finished project!! Okay it's just a washcloth but I started yesterday and finished this morning- we are in need of washcloths so I just whipped one up! The pattern is a freebie I found sometime ago by Amy Carpenter. Great pattern- held my interest, I'll be making several more once my hands recover from knitting with cotton.

I've also decided to "reclaim" the yarn from one of my sweater wip- the yarn is just not speaking to me in this pattern so off it goes! It's actually quite a relief and I'll update my numbers accordingly!

This is the Spunky club fiber: Color Harvest Haze- it looks more 'spring-y' than harvest-y but I love the color. It is Lincoln wool, very heavy and coarse. I have not spun this before so I'm just leaving it sit out until it tells me what to do with it.

Here is the socks that rock club: color Flower Power. Again I love the color, but there is NO way I'm doing the included pattern- it's very nice, but I'm not a lacey anklet cuff kind of gal. For now it will just go into stash- one less wip to add on!

Here are the Chameleon colorworks selections: The yarn is Glacier Moraine and fiber is optium in Tahiti colorway. I love both! Very happy month for me colorwise! The sock pattern is incredible! If you want to learn more about her clubs the link is here.

Update on the customer service front: One issue has been resolved (I finally got my refund). However I'm still waiting for my missing item and I'm tired of having to call long distance/different time zone to hash this thing out again! Have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

The chameleon optim is really nice. I can see that I need to go join. Sigh....

Carol said...

Gorgeous colors! Smart to know you don't care for a pttern and when a wip is not working. Enjoy the nice additions to your stash!